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July 5, 2011

Rite Aid July 2011 SCR's

The July Rite Aid SCR program run from Wednesday, 6/29 – Tuesday, 7/26/11 (unless otherwise stated in the offer). Questions about Rite Aid? Check out my Rite Aid 101 tutorial :)

  1. Poison Ivy Treatment $10
    (limit 2 SCR)
  2. St Joseph Aspirin (200-300ct) $2
  3. Mitchum $1
    (limit 4 SCR)
  4. Frost & Glow $3  
    (limit 4 SCR)
  5. Crest Pro-Health Rinse (1L), 3D White Rinse (473ml) or Oral-B Pulsar Toothbrush $4.50
    (valid 7/3 – 7/9/11)
  6. Crest ProHeath Enamel Shield Tothpaste to $2.69
    (valid 7/10 – 7/16/11) 
  7. Rimmel $3/2
  8. Paper Pro Nano Mini Stapler $3
    (limit 3 SCR) 
  9. Kendal Alcohol Swabs (100ct) $1/1 or $3/2
  10. Rite Aid Tugaboos Baby Wipes (360ct) $2
  11. Rite Aid Unsex Protective Underwear (28-40ct) $5/2
    (valid 7/10 – 7/16/11) 
  12. Kendall First Aid Bandaging $1/1 or $3/2
  13. Rite Aid Adult Incontinence $5/2
  14. Compund W Freeze off KJit or Freeze off Plantars $10
    (valid 7/10 – 7/16/11) 
  15. CalaGel $3/1 or $5/2
  16. Gas-X (50ct) $3
    (16 + 17 are the same offer)
  17. Ex-Lax (90ct) $3
    (16 + 17 are the same offer) 
  18. Wartner Freezing Wart Remover Kit $10
    (valid 7/10 – 7/16/11) 
  19. Ivarest $3
  20. Benefiber $3
  21. Benefiber (90 dose or 114ct) $3
  22. Chloraseptic $1
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  23. Chloraseptic Cherry or Menthol Spray $1
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  24. Chloraseptic Grape or Citrus Spray $1
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  25. Similac/Isomil (large container) $2
    (limit 4 SCR) 
  26. Monistat Treatment $3
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  27. Chapstick Triple Pack $2
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  28. Callex $2
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  29. Lamisil AT $2
  30. Murne Ear $3
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  31. Biotrue (10oz) $2
  32. Little Noses Saline or Little Colds $1
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  33. Luvena $5
  34. Clear Eyes $1
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  35. Clear Eyes $1
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  36. Itch-X Gel $1
  37. Clear Eyes Redness Relief $1
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  38. Clear Eyes Itchy Eye Relief or Redness $1
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  39. Itch-X Lotion $1
  40. Sinus/Allergy/Cold Buster $2
  41. Children’s Feverall $1
  42. Kendall Exfoliating Foot Moisturizer $1
  43. JontFlex $4
  44. Denorax $2
  45. Home Access Express HIV Test $5
  46. Urinozinc $3
  47. Similasan Eye $1
  48. Similasan Ear $1
  49. Similasan Wellness $1
  50. Ortho Options Conceptrol $2
  51. Thermotabs $1
  52. Ortho Options Gynol II $2
  53. Sea-Band $1
  54. Cystex $3
  55. Rite Aid Oil, Idione, etc $1/2
  56. Laninoh $1
  57. Anti Monkey Powder $1
  58. LypSyl $1
  59. Cruex $3
  60. Doan’s $2
  61. Replens/RepHresh $4
  62. Tavist $3
  63. Befferin $2
  64. Vagistat-1 $3
  65. Comtrex $2
  66. Ascriptin $2
  67. Perdiem $3
  68. Mineral Ice $3
  69. Desenex $2
  70. Certain Dri $1
  71. Be Kool $1
  72. Cura-Heat $1
  73. Keri Lotion (15oz) $1
  74. Albolene $2
  75. N5 Day Deodorant Pads $1
  76. Aconomel $1
  77. Uddrerly Smooth Cream (4oz) $1
  78. Porcelana $1
  79. NoDoz $2
  80. Natural Dentist $1
  81. Stim-U-Dent $1
  82. Burts Bees Senitive Skin Product $2
  83. Luster Weekend Whitening Kit $6
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  84. Luster 7 Whitening Toothpaste $4
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  85. Almay Eye Cosmetics $1
    (limit 3 SCR) 
  86. Luster Instant Whitening Toothpaste $2
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  87. CankerMelts $2
  88. Eclos $5
  89. The Doctor’s Night Guard $5
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  90. c.booth Derma $3
  91. Efferdent (90 0r 120ct) $1
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  92. Effergrip Cream (2.5oz) $2
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  93. Woolite Dry Cleaner’s Secret (6ct) $2
  94. Maxwell House Instant + Nabisco Convenience Pack $1
  95. Chore Boy Copper Scrubber 2pk $1
    no limit for this rebate 
  96. Kingsford $1
  97. Crazy Art $3/2
  98. Bic Brite Liner, Mark-it, Triumph Gel $2/2
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  99. Gracious Living – drawer tower, desk organzier, file tote, crate system, sweater box or laundry basket $5
    (limit 3 SCR) 
  100. Pilot Pens B2P $2/2
  101. Crayola $1/2
  102. Black & Decker Identity Theft Buster Shredder $10
    (limit 2 SCR) 
  103. Paper Pro Compact Stapler $3
    (limit 3 SCR) 
  104. Rite Aid Office Expert Calculator $2

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